Dive Asia NOW! and the Community
Through helping raise environmental awareness and reducing the carbon footprint in the packages offered, DiveAsia NOW! is committed to protect Planet Earth. We are committed to do our best to arrange for routes that are most environmentally friendly. We are ready to explore partnership with any associations that promotes environmental protection and do our part for the Earth.
In this section, we will like to share the damage caused to the overall society from our daily activities. We hope that this will raise the awareness of the readers of the harm we are doing to the environment and start to take actions in helping them. It is never too late.
Corals need high level of sun light to survive. If sediment levels are high enough, corals may not get enough light and may bleach and die. Poor agricultural practices and increasing land use throughout Southeast Asia are rapidly accelerating sedimentation in the region. Logging, as well as agricultural conversion, tillage practices, river modifications, and road construction are triggering unprecedented erosion rates throughout the region. For example, clear cut logging may increase sediment loads 10-fold.
Live Reef Food Fish Trade
Southeast Asia supplies almost all of the live food fish trade. In parts of Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia and Vietnam, cyanide is used to capture both live reef food and aquarium fish. This makes the live reef fishery of Southeast Asia one of the most threatened fisheries on the planet. In upscale restaurants across Southeast Asia, diners can feast on live reef fish for up to US$100 per kg.
Fish plays an integral role in the balance of the coral reef ecosystem. Without them, reefs are less resilient to natural and human disturbances thus more likely to be replaced by algae that prevent coral growth. The population explosion of algae has put huge pressures on coastal resources and jeopardized food security throughout the region. On top of that, the widespread poverty and low barriers to trade in developing countries have caused shore residents to enter in reef fisheries. This has caused intense competition among the fisherman because of the limited supply. This has caused significant damage to both the marine environment and the livelihood of the fisherman.